Welcome to the NEW SITE!

Welcome to the NEW SITE!

Welcome all, to the new site!

Ok, so it's not a new site, but A LOT has changed. I am still testing a ton of stuff out, and there will be a lot of changes/updates/etc.

I just wanted to quickly thank everyone for making the change off patreon somewhat seamless. I know there were some hiccups, but we got through it and the new system is FUCKING AMAZING!

SO a few orders of business, this coming week you can expect the following!

  • ViP Email blasts - I am still setting this up, but essentially it will work like patreon. There will be an email blast that goes out to ALL ViPs every time I make a post here. Some will be ViP only, others just general all access (just like before).
    • PLEASE WHITELIST THE FOLLOWING EMAILS to avoid emails being lost in spam!
    • lee@ecgce.com
    • ben@ecgce.com
  • Ranger Academy & ZAWA #1 (images at bottom) - Both these books will be up next week for ViPs, and next weekend for the public. They will be in bundles, individual, AND a handful of spec bundles. I will have another post about this likely on Monday with sale info etc.
  • LEGEND book Nov/Dec - The teaser image for this post IS the teaser for the next book! There will likely be a free bonus book as well (always will do this when I am able) but this book is a big one. We are the only group to have an exclusive, and it is THE ONLY* exclusive for the book (it's a BOOM title hint hint).
    • *I don't know if BOOM will have their own exclusive or not, but no one outside of that does!
  • ALL Sept/Oct LEGEND bundles will be shipped Monday/Tues! Thank you massively for being patient with those, the ENZO metals came in today, and HOLY SHIT are they incredible!

I think that is it for now. I am gonna test the email blast shortly after writing this to make sure everyone got it and sees the new site/pages etc.

Also, with the new system, I CAN NOW DIRECLTY credit any Subs for the referral program! i.e. if you get a friend to sign up I can directly discount or give you a free month etc!

So excited for 2024, and that we get to test this for 2 months before we even hit the new year!

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