Monthly Memberships

What is FOC?

FOC, Final Order Cut-off, are basically comic pre-orders.

Ordering your comics on FOC is the best way to ensure you get the comics you want most!

Other Subscriber Perks


Want to be the first person to be notified when your favorite shop lists a new product? That is what this is, a system that polls 75+ of the top online shops worldwide, the moment they list something new (exclusive, ratios, anything) you get notified!

Test them out for free HERE!


While all three tiers have their own con perks, some clarity on the signatures and exclusives. Exclusives can be claimed ahead of time (limit 2 per ViP) and LIL LEGEND & LEGEND tiers can have a proxy pick their books up for them!

Not ALL exclusives will qualify for this, as some are creator specific and we can't always offer deals/benefits on those.


Currently a LEGEND only perk, these are rare books that you can only get as a LEGEND. We partner with a wide variety of publishers, creators, artists to create exclusives that truly stand out from the rest.

We NEVER collab on a book we don't personally like (and never push a book just for the sake of having a book).

We will ALWAYS provide a book (or books) we see as a wonderful addition to any collector OR speculators collection!

Monthly Legends

Check out what LEGENDS are securing for their awesome collections!

  • Something-is-Killing-the-Children-28-Flat.png__PID:f8319348-710b-44c9-be8a-d10bc264d159
  • Seven-Years-In-Darkness-01-Flat.png__PID:18b8af32-639c-4bb4-b758-479dfdcf8c10
  • Something-is-Killing-the-Children-32-Flat.png__PID:9348710b-34c9-4e8a-910b-c264d159c4ba
  • The-Sickness-01-Flat.png__PID:710b34c9-be8a-410b-8264-d159c4ba3aae
  • The-Calamitous-Black-Devils-01-Flat.png__PID:48710b34-c9be-4ad1-8bc2-64d159c4ba3a
  • Hack-Slash-Back-to-School-01.png__PID:e7e7f831-9348-410b-b4c9-be8ad10bc264
  • Kill-Your-Darlings-01-Flat.png__PID:e7f83193-4871-4b34-89be-8ad10bc264d1
  • Coming-Soon-Flat.png__PID:e4e7e7f8-3193-4871-8b34-c9be8ad10bc2